Sunday, August 7, 2011

Individual Worth # 6: Personal Progress Activity

Value Experience:  Individual Worth #6
Date:  Spring 2011 (don't have exact date)
Leaders: Sister Richardson, Stevens, and Shearer
Participants:  Rachel, Jessica, Olivia, Michaela, Linly, Kylie, Callie, Maya, Ellen (there may have been others...)

Accomplished at Activity:
  • Listed to a presentation about genealogy research by Lisa Goodfellow
  • Filled out a pedigree chart for your family tree 
Still Need To Do:
  • Visit with your living relatives to learn as much information about your family history as possible
  • List the temple ordinances that have been completed for each person on your pedigree chart 
Note:  You can also use this experience to help you with the 3rd suggested Faith project on p. 18 of your Personal Project book

    1 comment:

    1. Thank you! These are awesome ideas! I am beehive president and we are trying to ind some ways to bring personal progress into mutual so thank you, thank you, thank you!
